Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bridesmaids Extravaganza

So Hurricane Ike didn't hurt my weekend. It messed up my perfect hair, but not my good times.

My best friend since I was three years old came into town for a bridesmaid weekend. Chandra has eight bridesmaids, but due to the weather it ended up being only me, Hayley, Leslie and Tonia! We had to be fitted for our dresses Saturday morning. They are gorgeous - this persimmon color with green trim. I love them. Seeing Chandra fitted for her gown was amazing. I can remember back to her first boyfriend so it almost brought a tear to my eye. She's so beautiful.

The rain stopped us from attending GrapeFest so we just went to the Gaylord Texan and watched football and hung out. I drank a wedding cake martini... awww... yummilicious. We had such a nice time.

Then it was time for Cody and Blair's housewarming party. It was the time when all of our high school friends get together. We walked into see Justin Dille standing there! He flew in from New York!!! Then Zac and Jordan came in as they were going to the Cowboys game so it was great to see them. Lauren, Brittany, Trev... my high school pals were there as well with us. It was also very refreshing as I love the Rubio clan - Cody's family came from all around for the Cowboys game. I grew up next door to Cody and he is my best friend in the whole world of men so his family is mine! They are hilarious - so close... all his uncles and his aunt were there!

Chandra McBee; Lauren Fraser; Hayley Knox; Brittany Roberson Brock

I looked around the room at my friends. I have known Lauren, Brittany, Chandra, Cody since we were practically born. Hayley, Blair and Dille came in the teenage years to BSHS!!! It is such a warm feeling to be surrounded by people you have loved for that long. We played, watched the Tech SMU game and just hung out. It was a Kodak moment of my life.

Brittany - We have known one another since we were born. Our mothers taught together. Brittany and Lance were together since fifth grade when I set them up. He was the Quarterback and she the Head Cheerleader in high school. They got married last year. We have both endured losing a parent... She was also my roommate at Tech.

Lauren - One of my favorite people in the world. She's a UT lady and I'm a Raider, but we still get along. She lives in Dallas, too!

Cody - This is my best man friend in the world. He's pretty much my brother. We grew up next door to one another. I love him so much!
Chandra hates that I take so many pictures so she messes them up!
Dille flew in from New York! We haven't seen him since freshman year at Tech!

This is my fake smile. I was sleepy by this time! Brittany and I enjoyed a chat!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hey woman! LOL, I will stalk you back!