Don't worry if you don't because I don't know too many football players either. I got the chance to interview some Texas Tech coaches and this very special man who is a former Texas Tech quarterback and now plays for the Green Bay Packers, Mr. Graham Harrell. More about that day later.
Last weekend was a whirlwind of summer activity. Friday night I met Jana and Jordan at Sambuca for a night of girl talk. We had such a great time chatting it up. We walked around the Shops at Legacy and enjoyed live music, too. Those girls always crack me up. Then Saturday a group of us went over to Anna's house to go out in Uptown. It's pretty hard to get me to go out to Uptown because it just isn't me. It's too loud and crowded... and... boy, I sound old! I love the atmosphere of everyone hanging out, but I'd much rather just chill out visiting on a patio! Nick played Twister with Ashton... quite entertaining to watch... and we enjoyed just hanging out at her house before we hit J Blacks and Barcadia. I could have stayed at her house all night!
We finally got to take the boat out Sunday! We took Nick's parents out for a bit. He wanted to try his new gear and his new wakeboard. Being on the lake reminds me of being a young teenager just lost in the world. It is as if all of the cares drift away into the water. Sunshine is my drug. That should be my motto in life because I love sunshine!!!

So yesterday I went to Tyler to host the "Red Raider Roadshow." I haven't been back to my stomping grounds in Tyler for two years! I missed parts of it as I rolled into town, but I also know when I was there I was so far from home that it just never satisfied me. I miss the news station and my church there... but, it was never my true home. So I joined the photographer, Andrews and the director, Mitchell at the Country Club for the fun filled day. I first met Coach Tuberville at the beverage stand. He was mixing lemonade and iced tea together which perplexed Mitchell. Mitchell introduced us and he asked where I was from and when I told him Big Spring I asked if he knew where that was. He laughed and said it was big because it is called "Big" Spring! He was really neat. Then we listened to a few of the coaches speak. It was neat to hear our Christian country roots as they spoke of God and dust... all rolled into one in a sort of way. I love being from West Texas. We all hit the golf course in the sweltering heat! We found Graham on the course and made him take photos with us and got an interview. I liked to make him laugh! He was a bit shy so it was funny. Mitchell somehow made my photo blurry so I tracked Graham down later and we took another photo! He was very humble and told us he is getting a ring for the Superbowl win! I hope the interview looks good as we had a lot of fun with him!

After shooting a few intros with Mitchell and flubbing our lines and melting in the heat I was ready to go! I met Rachel at Chilis and caught up a bit. So good to see old friends!
Summer is an awakening to our senses. It is as if the world comes out of hibernation into the sunlight. I'm just trying to enjoy each day and breathe in that sunlight. It's what it takes for us to survive each day. Awaken out of the darkness and open the shades.
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