Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Carter is TWO!!!


This kid is 2.  Time flies, doesn't it?! Carter is sweet and spicy. That's the best way I can describe him. He's very sweet and quiet at first. Then he throws a tantrum with his temper and you're stuck running to the corner away from him.  He knows what he wants. If he doesn't, he will get his stool and drag it to what he wants. He's not afraid to tell you what to do! He's also very much a "Mommy's boy" which makes me smile, yet it's tough at times. He doesn't talk much which worries me a bit. He talks in his own language a lot. I always know what he's saying. This kid has an arm. Like he can throw a football really far. He's a huge athlete. He loves any sports ball. He loves Batman and Paw Patrol right now. Carter does anything his big brother is doing. He wants to be just like Walker. He loves to dance and sing. It makes me laugh. I just love his spirit. He's just happy and ready to tear into anything. Oh, he's not afraid to fall. He jumps and falls and runs into things. He's a bruiser. We call him "Beer Can Crusher!" He'll be the one crushing beer cans on his head. We're blessed by this crazy little boy right here. 

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