Saturday, April 20, 2019

These Boys: Lightning In A Bottle

Trying to remember every little thing about this point in time is like trying to catch lightning in a bottle. The boys are growing so fast! I'm in amazement at who they are. I'm also not a dumb mom and know they are pretty crazy, too!

 They say little boys love their moms, and that's way too true here. Walker will bring me flowers (weeds) on walks and always tells me I'm his best friend. I know he's lying, but I'll take it for now. He's rough and tumble at times, then all kisses at other times. He says things that just blow your mind. Sometimes things he remembers are insane. Other times he just says things that are almost genius. It's interesting to see life through a toddler's eyes. They are just so pure and say what's out there. He thinks it's funny to gang up on me with Daddy and say funny things. I guess this means he'll be sarcastic which I couldn't live without! He sure isn't boring. Sometimes he doesn't listen well because he's Nick's as I listen soooo well... He's into clean up mode lately which means taking his brother's toys away as he plays. Not cool. He loves on Carter like no other, then gets tired of him touching all of his stuff at other times. I can't wait until Carter can whack him. I like that Walker is getting to know Jesus and talks about him now. It's very cool to watch. You raise these kids in hopes you're doing it right, but they are who they are. We just take each day at a time and watch him grow. Walker is a good kid, he hates to get in trouble and loves deeply. I pray he keeps this attitude forever, even the stubborn attitude because I love he's his own person. And he better always love Mommy.

Carter is 8 months old. Oh man, he's fast. He's already crawling. He wants to stand and hates to sit down. He loves to eat like a piggy. He has a distinct cry/whine when he wants what you're eating. He hates sleep and I'm the worst sleep trainer ever born. It's my fault, but oh well. He loves to cuddle and loves to watch the people around him. He is so chill unless he is sleepy or hungry. He's usually laughing and talking to people. He just needs to slow it up and stop going so fast! Carter thinks his brother hung the moon. Walker likes to bug him, but he thinks it's hilarious. Babies are tough work, but he's a pretty cool kid so I'm all for it.


Being a parent is the toughest job in the world. We can only do our best. We love our kids as much as possible, and know that's the start of it. Sometimes they may eat dirt, other times they may be sheltered from the world. We're somewhere in between on a daily basis. The world is a crazy place so we're happy to have our little place of solace in the midst of the chaos. It may be our own version of chaos, but it's perfect.

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