Friday, July 24, 2020

Walker is FIVE

Walker Dean Gray turned FIVE this week!!! We cannot believe we have a 5-year-old. This kid... I always wonder if he'll keep the same personality. He's been the same loud, crazy, social child since he was born. The personality keeps growing!!!

Walker is a pretty cool kid. He's just gotten into Legos this year. We hate them because we step on them. He's still into superheroes and Imaginext, too. He loves to play with Nerf guns. I think it's in little boy's blood. He loves to get on an electronic device and play games. He becomes a zombie so he cannot do that too much. He enjoys watching SpongeBob which is annoying because I don't really like it.

Sometimes he will still pull on my ear like when he was a baby. Last night he fell asleep on the couch and I scooped him up in my arms holding him like a baby. I just watched him for a minute. He hates to fall asleep alone. It's a parent fail, but I don't care. He loves to cuddle. If he's left to fall asleep in his room, he'll roam downstairs a lot. He loves when we read to him then cuddle with him for a little bit as he falls asleep.

Walker is the most social little person I've ever met. He loves going to see new friends. No one is a stranger. He's fun and crazy with them. He doesn't leave anyone out. I wish I had his confidence. He'll walk down the street to visit a neighbor in his underwear.

He hates to get in trouble. He cries when he gets in trouble at school or at home. I hope that sticks with him. He mainly gets in trouble for being mean to his brother or for having an attitude with us.

This quarantine thing is tough on this age of kid. He had to leave school in March, and is to start virtual Kindergarten in the Fall... then they really go at this time at the beginning of September. None of it is normal. He's cried some days missing friends. I've cried trying to keep him entertained. Walker is just taking it in stride playing each day, but it has to be weird. These kids can't go anywhere. It's a strange new normal for them. We play with a few friends, but it's nothing like it was last Summer. Walker is making it somehow. I know he's sad at times. I know it's frustrating.

I see a lot of my weird creative spirit in Walker when he plays with his Lego people or takes videos on my phone. I did the same thing at his age with my tape recorder. I don't know what he'll be in this world. I just hope he keeps the same confidence and personality.

Our world is so much brighter with this little boy in it. He loves Jesus and talks about Heaven. This is great because we've missed out on church since March... school doesn't teach it anymore once you hit elementary so it's all up to us. We always work on Walker to love everyone, and treat everyone the same. He doesn't notice differences much. He just loves making new friends at every corner.

Oh, Walker, keep doing your thing. You're a special kiddo.

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