Sunday, September 20, 2020

Walker - Kindergarten

Walker started kindergarten a few weeks ago. Of course, it was virtual at first then they went in person. It's still Corona time in this world so virtual is how we live most things in life these days. It's insane. We live in fear many days, and other days we're okay. 

Walker loves people so I'm guessing he loves school. He's usually pretty tired after school so he doesn't tell much. We walk to and from school which takes about five minutes. So at school the kids wear face mask and face shields. It's been tough for me to find the best fit for Walker! He doesn't seem to mind it much.

Carter started the 2s class at Children's Creative Playday. He cried the first day, but I think he's loving it. He's quiet and shy at first then opens up. The teachers wear masks all day. The little kids do not. 

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