Sunday, February 8, 2009

Jeremiah 29:11

Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the Lord 'Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future."

I think God is telling me something. I heard this verse spoken last week at church. It was spoken at Rae's memorial service. It was spoken by a different pastor at Rae's burial service. As I cleaned out an old drawer I found a gift my cousin had given to me with this verse cross stitched and then it was sent to me in an e-mail from a friend proclaiming her chemo treatments are done.

My world has truly crumbled before. Not much compares to losing a family member. So most obstacles are just handled with a smile, a cry and impatient patience. Boys have broken my heart. Friends have stepped on my soul. Jobs have been thrown to the sharks. Empathy for friends in pain has ripped at my limbs. Loved ones in a fight for their life have gnarled at my joints. But... you know what... I made it. I'm still standing. Sometimes I may walk with a limp, but God never killed my soul. Sometimes I think He is trying to do just that... but...

Sometimes God speaks to us through other's storms. Sometimes God speaks to us in the weirdest ways. Sometimes we just need to be still and listen and try to be calm through our own storm. Maybe I need to take my own advice is what God is saying to me?


Vandi said...

I saw this blog's title on Tiff's site and it caught my eye. This is my most favorite verse from the Bible. Whenever, I am down or stressed...I remember it. It gives such hope and promise. I hope that it eases your fears as well.

Vandi said...

Oh, on a side note, Todd's Grandmommy is buried in Snyder, Tx, too!

The Newmans said...

Julie you are so strong. I am praying for you with all you have going on. Take care and you are so great with words. I LOVE reading your blogs!!

laura said...

I love you! Hang in there. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother and your job. I had NO idea! Please let me know if you need anything.